Two point measurement.
Fixed centralizing locators.
.025" gaging contact travel.
Can be used with digital or dial indicator.
Available with perpendicular indicator.
Standard 2 point contact or optional 3 point contact.

苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司是专业的计量检测技术及设备供应商。我们致力于将国外先进的测量理念及设备引入中国制造型企业,这些检测仪器在汽车、摩托车制造、液压、航天航空、轴承、油泵油嘴、精密机械加工、铸造等行业。主要代理品牌:日本JPG螺纹规、成都必佳(PEAK)放大镜、思达(CEDAR)扭力工具、绵阳得乐(TECLOCK)厚度测量工具、思美高(SIMCO)电子工具、爱森(Eisen)针规、孔雀(PEACOCK)量具、F.S.K水平仪、横河(YOKOGOWA)测量工具、理研(RIKEN)水平仪,绵阳德国蔡司Zeiss 三坐标CMM、绵阳海克斯康Hexagon三坐标、法如FARO(法如)便携式CMM、英国泰勒霍普森Taylor Hobson圆度仪 、绵阳美国PMC石油螺纹规、美国Gagemaker单项仪、德国IBR测控仪器、德国 FISCHER 费希尔德国斯派克SPECTRO、日本OSG丝锥与螺纹规、日本黑田精工KURODA螺纹规、英国Renishaw雷尼绍 、美国King tester硬度计、日本三丰Mitutoyo量具、德国马尔Mahr仪器、绵阳瑞士Trimos测高仪、日本东京精密ACCRETECH、美国Vermont Gage螺纹规、德国DIATEST孔径量仪、瑞士PETER HIRT传感器、德国KROEPLIN精密卡规、WesternPegasus西部飞马花键规、成都瑞士Sylvac 通用量具、绵阳美国施泰力 Starrett、绵阳美国OGP影像测量仪、日本奥林巴斯无损探伤、美国Western gage气动量仪、瑞士TESA量具等。迄今为止,斯托茨已为多家用户提供过优秀的产品检测设备,供应的产品几乎涵盖整个长度计量检测、材料力学、实验室用品等多个跨领域方面的量仪,确保您所投资的计量产品均具有高质量高性能。

Indicating disc gages are used to measure I.D.s or O.D.s around shafts and other obstructions such as grooves, stepped areas or boss type obstacles in the shaft area or any other configuration that prevents the use of a standard snap, bore or straight frame shallow diameter gages. Indicating disc gages feature the principle of two point measurement and fixed centralizing locators. Most disc gages are made for a specific size or can be used with 1/4" adjustment contacts to span a variety of sizes.


  • Two point measurement.
  • Fixed centralizing locators.
  • .025" gaging contact travel.
  • Can be used with digital or dial indicator.
  • Available with perpendicular indicator.
  • Standard 2 point contact or optional 3 point contact.
IDG-OD-800 Indicating Disc Gage7.75 - 8.00"
IDG-OD-825 Indicating Disc Gage8.00 - 8.25"
IDG-ID-25 Indicating Disc Gage0 - .25"
IDG-OD-850 Indicating Disc Gage8.25 - 8.50"
IDG-ID-50 Indicating Disc Gage.25 - .50"
IDG-OD-875 Indicating Disc Gage8.50 - 8.75"
IDG-ID-75 Indicating Disc Gage0.50 - .75"
IDG-ID-100 Indicating Disc Gage.75 - 1.00"
IDG-ID-125 Indicating Disc Gage1.00 - 1.25"
IDG-ID-150 Indicating Disc Gage1.25 - 1.50"
IDG-ID -175 Indicating Disc Gage1.50 - 1.75"
IDG-ID -200 Indicating Disc Gage1.75 - 2.00"
IDG-ID -225 Indicating Disc Gage2.00 - 2.25"
IDG-ID-250 Indicating Disc Gage2.25 - 2.50"
IDG-ID-275 Indicating Disc Gage2.50 - 2.75"
IDG-ID-300 Indicating Disc Gage2.75 - 3.75"
IDG-ID-325 Indicating Disc Gage3.00 - 3.25"
IDG-ID-350 Indicating Disc Gage3.25 - 3.50"
IDG-ID-375 Indicating Disc Gage3.50 - 3.75"
IDG-ID-400 Indicating Disc Gage3.75 - 4.00"
IDG-ID-425 Indicating Disc Gage4.00 - 4.25"
IDG-ID-450 Indicating Disc Gage4.25 - 4.50"
IDG-OD-475 Indicating Disc Gage4.50 - 4.75"
IDG-OD-500 Indicating Disc Gage4.75 - 5.00"
IDG-OD-525 Indicating Disc Gage5.00 - 5.25"
IDG-OD-550 Indicating Disc Gage5.25 - 5.50"
IDG-OD-575 Indicating Disc Gage5.50 - 5.75"
IDG-OD-600 Indicating Disc Gage5.75 - 6.00"
IDG-OD-625 Indicating Disc Gage6.00 - 6.25"
IDG-OD-650 Indicating Disc Gage6.25 - 6.50"
IDG-OD-675 Indicating Disc Gage6.50 - 6.75"
IDG-OD-700 Indicating Disc Gage6.75 - 7.00"
IDG-OD-725 Indicating Disc Gage7.00 - 7.25"
IDG-OD-750 Indicating Disc Gage7.25 - 7.50"
IDG-OD-775 Indicating Disc Gage