盐城斯托茨定制爱克母STUB ACME量规

美制梯形螺纹简介:美制梯形(爱克母ACME)螺纹(一般用途爱克母螺纹和对中爱克母螺纹)出现于1895年前,1941年美国颁布了爱克母螺纹标准ASA B1.3.1942年,为了满足二战中对飞机的大量需求,美国政府要求紧急制定专门的爱克母螺纹战争标准(American War Standard)。此标准于1945年完成,发布为ANSI B1.5。战争需求是爱克母螺纹标准迅速出台的强大动力。1948年后,爱克母螺纹标准开始进入民用工业领域,得到普及。 为了能够在空间受限制的设备上使用爱克母螺纹,1952年美国发布了矮牙爱克母螺纹标准ASA B1.8。随后此标准经历了1973年、1977年、和1988年的三次修订改版,得到不断的完善。 爱牙爱克母英文表示为STUB ACME,29°牙形角,由外径尺寸、每英尺牙数、公差代号组成,表示方法如:1/2-16STUB ACME-2G,2G精度等级,设计图纸可以不标出螺纹精度等级,此螺纹应用于空间有限的场合,工作牙形高度较矮,且每英寸牙数较多,用户可设计相关每英寸的牙数,我们可按需求提供螺纹塞规、环规。 双线美制矮牙爱克母螺纹表示方法外径+螺距+导程+精度,如:1 1/2-0.25P-0.5L STUB ACME-2G,左旋需加代号LH表示。 ACME及STUB-ACME螺纹均可按用户任意设计外径及每英寸牙数提供相关的螺纹塞规、环规。 都是美制梯形罗纹(爱克母ACME),STUB ACME是矮牙爱克母罗纹,用在空间受限制的特殊场合。




ACME及STUB-ACME螺纹均可按用户任意设计外径及每英寸牙数提供相关的螺纹塞规、环规。 都是美制梯形罗纹(爱克母ACME)。

矮牙爱克母英文表示为STUB ACME,29°牙形角,由外径尺寸、每英尺牙数、公差代号组成,表示方法如:1/2-16STUB ACME-2G,2G精度等级,设计图纸可以不标出螺纹精度等级,此螺纹工作牙形高度较矮,且每英寸牙数较多,用户可设计相关每英寸的牙数,我们可按需求提供螺纹塞规、环规。


ACME螺纹的国别及标准号为美国标准ANSI B1.5,是牙型角为29°的英制传动螺纹。

英制螺纹是螺纹尺寸用英制标注,按外形分圆柱、圆锥两种;按牙型角分55°、60°两种。螺纹中的1/4、1/2、1/8 标记是指螺纹尺寸的直径,单位是英寸。一英寸等于8分,1/4 英寸就是2分,如此类推。

 standard and special General Purpose Acme Thread Gages per ASME B1.5 - 1997. Acme Thread Gauges are used to gage internal and external threaded product. Acme Thread Gages are priced on request. The following list of diameters and associated pitches are recommended as preferred. The threads below have been specifically selected to meet requirements with the least number of items in order to keep to a minimum the inventory of gages and tooling. Other size combinations including multiple start threads, centralizing threads, Stub Acme, Centralized Stub Acme, 60 degree Stub and diameters over 5.0 inches can be priced on request. Acme General Purpose threads have 3 classes of fit - 2G, 3G, and 4G.

General Purpose Threads class 2G, 3G, and 4G are designed with clearance on all diameter which enables free movement. General Purpose These threads are ideal for assemblies where the internal thread is rigidly fixed and the external thread moves perpendicular to its axis. It is recommended that threads of the same class should be assembled together. Class 2G is the most popular thread class of fit. Class 3G and 4G should be used if less backlash is required.

Centralizing Acme thread gauges are designated by the letter C and the classes of fit are designated as 2C, 3C, and 4C.

Other types of threads are Stub Acme and Centralizing Stub Acme.

All Acme threads have a 29 degree included angle.

The abbreviations listed below are recommended for correct thread nomenclature on gages, tools and drawings.

ACME = ACME Threads
G=General Purpose
LH=Left Hand

   梯形矮牙爱克母(STUB ACME)螺纹规格有:1/4-16STUB ACME-2G、5/16-14STUB ACME-2G、3/8-12STUB ACME-2G、1/2-10STUB ACME-2G、5/8-8STUB ACME-2G、3/4-6STUB ACME-2G、7/8-6STUB ACME-2G、1-5STUB ACME-2G、1 1/8-5STUB ACME-2G、1 1/4-5STUB ACME-2G、1 3/8-4STUB ACME-2G、1 1/2-4STUB ACME-2G、1 3/4-4STUB ACME-2G、2-4STUB ACME-2G----等等。

Mueller Gages internal/external gages  石油密封圈槽

·        Phase II hardness surface coating ultrasonic and boresopes

·       美国 PMC Lonestar API and thread gages石油机械

·        Precision Granite USA granite surface plates and accessories

·        Precision Instruments torque wrenches

·        Renishaw cmm probe systems and stylii

·        Rex Gauge mechanical and electronic durometers

·        S-T Industries optical comparators and dial dynamometers

·        Starrett precision measuring tools and webber gage blocks

·        Scienscope microscope and video inspection

·        Shimpo America force gages and stroboscopes

·        Solartron analog probes digital probes and LVDT’s

·        Sterling Manufacturing precision tooling and gaging systems

·        Swiss Precision Instruments (SPI) precision measuring tools

·        Sylvac SA electronic measuring tools and systems

·        Takikawa Engineering laser scanning micrometers

·        TAL Technologies Inc. data acquisition software

·        Tesa precision measuring tools

·        Thread Check precision thread gages and software

·        Toolmex measuring tools and workholding devices

·        Trimos SA calibration devices and height gages

·        Tru-Stone granite surface plates and granite accessories

·        Van Keuren (PMC) optical flats and parallels

·        Vermont Gage plain plug, ring, pin and thread gages

·        Visual Precision optical comparator overlay charts and screens

·        Wyler AG spirit and electronic levels and leveling systems 

·        Barcor Inc. chamfer, countersink, hole, angle and rivet gages

·        Bowers Metrology mechanical and digital bore gages

·        Brencor / ATI chamfer, countersink, hole gages

·        Brown and Sharpe precision measuring tools

·        Carbide Probes CMM styli, dial gage contact points

·        Chicago Dial Indicator (CDI) electronic dial indicators

·        Craftsman Industries collet holders and workholding devices

·        CV Instruments hardness testers

·        Dorsey Metrology precision measuring tools

·        Dyer Gage precision measuring tools

·        Eclipse magnetic tools and supplies

·        Flexbar Machine industrial tools and supplies

·        Fowler high precision tools and measuring instruments

·        Frank Cox Sales special thread gages

·        Gar Electroforming microfinish surface comparators

·        Hagenhoff LLC vyndicator wireless test indicators

·        Helios electronic and mechanical hand tools

·        Hemco Gage thread gages

·        I&R Partners spc data collection and software

·        Indi-Square squareness and straightness testers

·        INSIZE precision measuring tools

·        LW qmsoft calibration software

·        Magnescale measuring tools and devices

·        Major Micro Systems SPC Express Software

·        Mahr Federal precision measuring tools气动量仪

·        Marcel Aubert centering microscopes and optical devices

·        Mercury Gage (PMC) thread gages and special products

·        美国Meyer Gage plain plug and ring gages针规

·        Midwest Flex gage interfaces and multiplexers

苏州斯托茨致力于将国外先进的测量理念及设备引入中国制造型企业,这些检测仪器应用在汽车、摩托车制造、液压、航天航空、轴承、油泵油嘴、精密机械加工、铸造等行业。主要代理品牌:日本三丰Mitutoyo数显卡尺,日本东精精密圆度仪、日本JPG螺纹规、必佳(PEAK)放大镜、思达(CEDAR)扭力工具、得乐(TECLOCK)厚度测量工具、思美高(SIMCO)电子工具、爱森(Eisen)针规、孔雀(PEACOCK)量具、F.S.K水平仪、横河(YOKOGOWA)测量工具、理研(RIKEN)水平仪、德国DIATEST孔径量仪、德国KORDT螺纹指示规、德国KROEPLIN内卡规、德国KAEFER凯发机械表、瑞士PETER HIRT位移传感器、德国DEEM通用性长度测量仪器、Feinmess Suhl(德国苏尔)精密千分尺、检测设备、法国迈拓(Metro)数据采集器、显示设备、Western Pegasus(西部飞马)花键规、莱尔麦斯公司(LEHRMESS)螺纹规、光面规、Micro-Epsilon内窥镜、瑞士Trimos测高仪、测长机、瑞士Sylvac数显卡尺、Dantsin-Kunz直线度检查仪、瑞士Wyler电子水平仪、瑞士Werth超高精度三坐标、OPTACOM粗糙度轮廓测量仪、Leak Tester|泄露仪 CETATEST XSAberlink Axiom too HS三坐标测量机、Schwenk OD塞规式内径量仪、EMCOTEST硬度计、LAMTECH平面度测量机、英国RPI转台、METKON 全自动切割机MICRACUT、美国Gagemaker螺纹单项仪西南地区总代理、成都Gagemaker代理商、四川绵阳Gagemaker经销商、德阳Gagemaker单项仪、四川宜宾进口Gagemaker单项仪、表盘式卡尺、日本三丰mitutoyo卡尺、美国King Tester硬度计、King硬度块、便携式布氏硬度计、国产斯托茨Acme螺纹规马尔Mahr深度尺│测高仪日本三丰Mitutoyo量具海克斯康Hexagon三坐标CMM日本测范社JPG螺纹量规Multimatic电动螺纹规瑞士TESA测高仪│缸径规瑞士Trimos测高仪│测长机瑞士sylvac卡尺│千分尺Accretech-日本东精精密德国Fisher|费希尔测厚仪德国Spectro斯派克光谱仪Bowers宝禾精密测量仪器美国GSG螺纹规│螺纹指示规赛普斯SciAps手持式光谱仪狄夫斯高DeFelsko检测仪器美国Royal皇家顶尖│精密顶针标乐/Buehler 威尔逊/Wilson德国Kroeplin内卡规|外卡规英国易高涂层厚度仪Elcometer美国Dorsey 孔径量规│投影仪进口量具│量规│仪器美国CJWinter螺纹滚│螺纹辊TOOLFLO石油螺纹刀具│槽刀。

螺纹环规 0.75-6 ACME(MOD)-2G-LH
校对塞规 0.75-6 ACME(MOD)-2G-LH
螺纹环规 0.75-6-ACME(MOD)-2G-LH
螺纹塞规 0.875-5 ACME MOD-LH
螺纹塞规 0.875-5 ACME MOD-LH
螺纹环规 0.875-5ACME-2G-LH
校对塞规 0.875-5ACME-2G-LH
螺纹环规 0.875-5ACME-MOD-LH
校对塞规 0.875-5ACME-MOD-LH
螺纹塞规 0.875-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹环规 0.875-6ACME LH(MOD)
校对塞规 0.875-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹塞规 1.25-6STUB ACME-2G GO/NG
螺纹塞规 1.125-8 ACME-2GGO/NG
螺纹塞规 1.75-6 STUB ACME 2G
螺纹塞规 1.000-8 STUB ACME-3G GO/NG
螺纹塞规 1.000-5 ACME MOD-LH
螺纹环规 1.000-5ACME-2G-LH
校对塞规 1.000-5ACME-2G-LH
螺纹环规 1.125-5ACME-2A
螺纹塞规 1.125-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹环规 1.125-6ACME LH(MOD)
校对塞规 1.125-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹塞规 1.125-8 2G ACME
螺纹塞规 1.25-5 ACME MOD-LH
螺纹塞规 1.25-5 ACME MOD-LH 
螺纹塞规 1.25-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹环规 1.25-6ACME LH(MOD)
校对塞规 1.25-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹塞规 1.3820-16STUB ACME
校对塞规 1.750"-5ACME-2G
螺纹环规 1.750”-5 ACME-2G
螺纹塞规 1.750”-6 ACME-2G
螺纹环规 1.75-5 ACME-2G ON 6 PITCH LEAD
螺纹环规 1.75-5 ACME-2G ON 6 PITCH LEAD
螺纹环规 1.75-5 ACME-2G ON 6 PITCH LEAD
螺纹塞规 1.75-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹环规 1.75-6ACME LH(MOD)
校对塞规 1.75-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹塞规 1-5 ACME MOD-LH
螺纹塞规 1-5 ACME MOD-LH
螺纹环规 1-5MOD ACME 
校对塞规 1-5MOD ACME LH
螺纹塞规 1-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹环规 1-6ACME LH(MOD)
校对塞规 1-6ACME LH(MOD)
螺纹环规 2-3/4-4 ACME-2G
螺纹环规 3 15/16-8 NAT'L ACME-2G(attached print)
螺纹塞规 3.4-8STUB ACME(HANDLE500mm LONG)
校对塞规 3.5"-6 STUB ACME (SPECIAL), attached print
螺纹塞规 3.725-6 ACME MOD-2G
螺纹环规 4 5/8"-4 N.ACME-2G NG
螺纹塞规 4"-4 ACME-2G
螺纹塞规 4.002-0.125P-0.250L ACME MOD
螺纹环规 4.002-0.125P-0.250L ACME MOD
校对塞规 4.002-0.125P-0.250L ACME MOD
螺纹环规 4.625"-4 ACME-2G
螺纹环规 5 .375-3.5ACME-2G
螺纹环规 5 .375-3.5ACME-2G
螺纹环规 5 3/8-3 1/2 ACME-2G
螺纹塞规 5.062-8STUB ACME(HANDLE500mm LONG)
校对塞规 5.25”-4 STUB ACME (SPECIAL ),attached print
螺纹塞规 7/8"-5ACME-LH(MOD)
螺纹环规 7/8"-6ACME-2G L/H
螺纹塞规 STUB ACME 5-1/4-4
螺纹环规 STUB ACME 5-1/4-4
螺纹塞规 STUB ACME 7-5/8-4