


第七代SPECTROMAXx 是全元素分析的专家。适用于铸造厂,金属加工企业的多种基体,进出厂金属材料以及汽车和机械制造等企业的应用

德国斯派克直读光谱仪-SPECTROMAXx是德国斯派克公司历史上zui成功的光谱仪型号。同时也可能是目前市场上zui成功的金属分析仪。现在推出的第7代SPECTROMAXx继续提高分析性能, 降低运行成本。   











SPECTROMAXx中独特的光学系统和光学部件有效融合,经过严格密封,确保光室内部一尘不染,双光学系统设置使zui大波长范围扩展至140nm--- 670nm。采用了优化的帕邢——龙格架构,专利光学系统的机械结构异常坚固,同时减少了内部空间体积。内部恒温、恒压确保光学系统不受外界环境变化和影响。









 德国SPECTRO斯派克公司主要供应:德国SPECTRO分析仪,SPECTRO光谱仪,质谱仪,台式分析仪,手持式分析仪等产品。 一.公司介绍 SPECTRO斯派克生产先进的仪器,并为各种应用中的



元素分析——光谱仪 | SPECTRO Analytical元素分析

SPECTROCHECK是德国斯派克光谱仪公司专门设计的直读光谱仪,以满足中小铸造厂和机械加工企业、汽车零部件企业对于紧缩预算采购高性能光谱仪的需求。 这一款高质量、紧凑

德国SPECTRO斯派克公司主要供应:德国SPECTRO分析仪,SPECTRO光谱仪,质谱仪,台式分析仪,手持式分析仪等产品。 一.公司介绍 SPECTRO斯派克生产先进的仪

德国斯派克便携式光谱仪 SPECTRO TEST金属成分快速分析

德国斯派克便携式光谱仪 移动式光谱分析仪 SPECTRO TEST_仪德公司



德国斯派克便携式光谱仪SPECTROTEST概述 SPECTROTEST便携式光谱仪是目前市场上精度樶高,操作樶方便的便携式光谱仪,如果样品处理得好,实验结果与实验室

德国斯派克 SPECTRO SCOUT便携式能量色散X射线荧光光谱仪


 成都Gage Assembly螺纹规总代理


 成都Vermont Gage总代理

 成都PMC Lone Star总代理




 成都rex gauge邵氏硬度计总代理

3SPACE Inc. Qioptiq Imaging Solutions Inc. 
A.A. Jansson Inc.  Q-Mark Manufacturing Inc. 
Absolute Clarity & Calibration LLC  Qualitron Systems Inc. 
Accurex Measurement Inc. 
Acu-Gage Systems  Accurex Measurement Inc. 
ADE Phase-Shift  Acu-Gage Systems 
Advanced Metrology Solutions Advanced Metrology Solutions 
Air Gage Co.  American ELTEC Inc. 
American Calibration Inc.  American NDT Inc.
American SIP Corp.  American Tech Manufacturing Inc. 
American Technica Inc.  Applied Technical Services Inc. 
Apollo Display Technologies LLC  Basler Inc. 
ATT Metrology Services  BitFlow
Automated Precision Inc Bobier Tool Supply Inc. 
Bal-Tec  Bolton Works LLC 
BMG Surplus  Brunson Instrument Co. 
Bobier Tool Supply Inc.  Buehler Ltd. 
Brown & Sharpe Cincinnati Automation Ltd.
Capture 3D  Cincinnati Precision Instruments 
Carbide Probes Inc. Clemex Technologies Inc. 
CE Johansson  Cognex Corp. 
CGI CogniTens
Cincinnati Precision Instruments  Cohu Inc., Electronics Division
DEA Corning Tropel Corp. 
Dimensional Control Systems Inc.  DALSA Corp. 
Dorsey Metrology International  DALSA Industrial Products 
DOX Calibration Inc.  Dazor Manufacturing Corp. 
Equipment Technology  Conveyance (ETC)  Deltronic Corp.
ETC Dimensional Photonics  International Inc. (DP
FARO Technologies Inc.  Dimensional Technology  International Inc. 
Gaspardo & Associates Inc.  Dunkley International
GBI Cincinnati Inc.  Dynamic Technology Inc. 
Geodetic Systems Inc.  Edmund Optics Inc.
Geomagic Inc. Edmunds Gages 
GTI Graphic Technology Inc.  Flexbar Machine Corp. 
Hammond Co.  FocalSpot Inc.
Helmel Engineering Products Inc.  Ford Tool & Gage Corp. 
Hemco Corp. Fryer Co. Inc. 
Hexagon Metrology Inc.  Gage-Line Technology Inc. 
Immersion Corp. GE Inspection Technologies Inc. RVI Products & Services 
International Metrology  Systems Inc.  Geodetic Systems Inc. 
Interplex Sunbelt Inc.  Glenbrook Technologies 
itpstyli LLC  Gradient Lens Corp. 
ITW Dykem  Hamey Vision Systems Pty. Ltd.
Keyence Corp. of America  Hammond Co. 
Kistler Instrument Corp.  Heuft USA Inc. 
Kurt Electronics  Hirox-USA Inc. 
Labtek i2S Linescan Imaging Inc. USA 
Laser Projection Technologies Inc.–LPT  Image Labs International 
LaVezzi Precision Inc. Infrared Cameras Inc. 
Leica Geosystems Inc.  InspecTech Analygas Group Inc. 
Leitz Instrument Technology Inc. 
Lightway Systems Corp.  The Johnson Gage Co.
LK Metrology Systems Inc. Johnson Thread-View  Systems LLC 
LMI Technologies Inc. KAPPA Opto-Electronics Inc. 
Mahr Federal Inc.  Keyence Corp. of America 
MetricVision Kurt Electronics
Metris USA Lakeshore Vision & Robotics LLC
Metron Systems Inc. Laser Design Inc. 
Metronor AS Laser Technology Inc. 
Micro-Metric Inc. Lightway Systems Corp. 
Micro-Vu Corp.  LMI Technologies Inc. 
MiiC America Inc. LMI Technologies USA Inc. 
Mitutoyo America Corp. Mahr Federal Inc. 
Modular Tooling Systems Inc.  Matrox Imaging 
Mycrona of North America Inc.  Matsusada Precision 
Navitar Inc.  Max Levy Autograph Inc. 
NDI Metrology Solutions Inc. 
New River Kinematics MicroBrightField Inc. 
Nikon Instruments Inc.  Micro-Metric Inc. 
Optical Gaging Products Inc.  MicroTest Laboratories Inc. 
Optodyne Inc. Micro-Vu Corp. 
Pacific Precision Laboratories Inc.  msiVision
Paul W. Marino Gages Inc.  Mycrona of North America Inc. 
Perceptron Inc. NDI
Pfeiffer Vacuum Inc.  Newage Testing Instruments Inc. 
Process Technologies  Nikon Instruments Inc. 
Productivity Quality Operations Technology Inc. (OPTEK) 
Promess Inc.  Optical Gaging Products Inc. 
Q-Mark Manufacturing Inc.  Optimal Inc.
Quality Control Solutions Inc.  Origin Technologies Corp. 
R & R Sales Pacific Precision Laboratories Inc. 
RAM Optical Instrumentation Inc.  Perceptron Inc. 
Renishaw Inc. Phoenix Imaging 
Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials LLC phoenix|x-ray Systems + Services Inc. 
ROMER Inc.  Prior Scientific Inc. 
ShapeGrabber Inc. Q-Mark Manufacting Inc. 
Sheffield Measurement Inc.  Qualitron Systems Inc. 
The L.S. Starrett Co. Quality Measurement Control
Titan Tool Supply Inc.  R & R Sales and Engineering 
Toshiba America Information Systems Inc.  RAM Optical Instrumentation Inc. 
Supplier Inspection Services Inc.  S-T Industries Inc.
VideoGage Inc.  ShapeGrabber Inc.
VIEW Micro-Metrology  Siemens Energy &  Automation Inc. 
Visicon Inspection Technologies LLC  SPG DATA 3D 
Vision Engineering Inc.  The L.S. Starrett Co. 
Werth Inc.  Strainoptic Technologies Inc. 
Carl Zeiss IMT Corp.  SUI, Goodrich Corp./Sensors Unlimited Inc. 
A.A. Jansson Inc.  est Equipment Distributors 
Absolute Clarity & Calibration LLC UniWest
Accurex Measurement Inc.  VIEW Micro-Metrology 
Acu-Gage Systems  Visicon Inspection Technologies LLC 
Advanced Metrology Solutions  Vision Components
American Technica Inc.  Vision Engineering Inc. 
Applied Technical Services Inc.  Vision Systems International 
Assurance Technologies Inc.  Volpi Manufacturing USA 
Basler Inc. Werth Inc. 
Benz Microscope Optics Center Inc.  Xiris Automation Inc.
Beta LaserMike X-Rite Inc
BLUM Laser Measuring  Technology Inc.  Carl Zeiss MicroImaging Inc.
BMG Surplus Quality Control Solutions Inc. 
Bobier Tool Supply Inc.  RAM Optical Instrumentation Inc. 
Brown & Sharpe TESA  R & R Sales and Engineering 
Bytewise Measurement Systems  Renishaw Inc. 
Cincinnati Automation Ltd.  S-T Industries Inc. 
Cincinnati Precision Instruments Schmitt Industries
Corning Tropel Corp. Scienscope International Corp. 
Data Optics Inc. Sensor Products LLC
Dave Jones Machinists  ShapeGrabber Inc.
Deltronic Corp.  Siemens Logistics & Assembly/ Optical Solutions
Detroit Precision Hommel  Solarius Development Inc. 
Diagnostic Instruments The L.S. Starrett Co. 
Dimensional Control Systems Inc. Strainoptic Technologies Inc.
Dimensional Inspection Laboratories  Taylor Hobson Precision 
Dorsey Metrology International  Thread Check Inc. 
DOX Calibration Inc Trilion Quality Systems
Dynamic Technology Inc.  Validation Specialists Inc. 
Equipment Technology Conveyance  Vantek Corp. 
Euro-Tech Corp.  Veeco Metrology Group/Veeco Instruments Inc. 
Flexbar Machine Corp.  VideoGage Inc. 
FocalSpot Inc.  VIEW Micro-Metrology 
Ford Tool & Gage Corp.  Visicon Inspection Technologies LLC 
Fred V. Fowler Co. Inc.  Vision Components
FRT of America LLC  Vision Engineering Inc.
Fryer Co. Inc.  Visual Inspection Products Inc. 
Gage-Line Technology Inc.  Visual Precision Inc.
GENX Corp.  ViTechnology
Gradient Lens Corp.  Volpi Manufacturing USA
Hammond Co.  Werth Inc. 
Heidenhain Corp. Carl Zeiss MicroImaging Inc. 
Hexagon Metrology Inc. Zygo Corp.
Hi-Scope Systems Co.  A.A. Jansson Inc. 
HYTEC A.G. Davis/AA Gage
Infrared Cameras Inc. 
Keyence Corp. of America  msiVision
Lightway Systems Corp.  Mycrona of North America Inc. 
LMI Technologies Inc.  Nationwide Gage Calibration Inc. 
LMI Technologies USA Inc.  NDI
Mahr Federal Inc.  Nikon Instruments Inc. 
Marposs Corp.  Olympus Industrial America Inc. 
Max Levy Autograph Inc.  Operations Technology Inc. (OPTEK) 
Measure-All Inc.  Optical Gaging Products Inc.
Metronor AS  Optimal Inc.
Micro-Vu Corp.  Prior Scientific Inc. 
Mitutoyo America Corp. Productivity Quality 