IRG-3600 Radius Gauge
美国G.A.L. Gage Company

Cat # IRG-3600

Measures the inside radius and diameter for cylindrical objects. Diameter measurement is calculated by doubling the radius measurements. This is an essential tool for acquiring quick measurements for large pipes, metal rolling or fabrication and measuring large tanks.

Items comes with a Variable Arc, a durable device that when mounted on the IRG-3600 can form the arc of the radius you have set on the gauge. Perfect for creating scaled models, drafting buildings, arch way construction, millwork and more.

Cat # ORG-3600

Measures the outside radius and diameter for cylindrical objects. Diameter measurement is calculated by doubling the radius measurements. This is an essential tool for acquiring quick measurements for large pipes, metal rolling or fabrication and measuring large tanks.

Cat # RG-3600

This set is COMBINES all three radius gauges in
the Full RG-3600 Gauge Set:

The IRG-3600 Gauge
The Variable Arc

The ORG-3600 Gauge  

苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司专业代理德国进口螺纹规、德国DIN量规,德国JBO螺纹规、德国LMW莱尔麦斯量规、意大利Marposs MG量规。同时代理:美国Cameron球规、Mueller Gage航空量仪、Sun-tec硬度计、Universal环球同心度仪、 PMC Lone Star石油螺纹规、PMC Mercury量规、Hemco Gage紧固件螺纹规、Vermont Gage针规、VTG螺纹规、美国GSG非标螺纹规、Threadcheck航空螺纹规、 Westport医疗螺纹规、英国Threadmaster惠氏螺纹规、Tru-thread石油螺纹规、美国Gagemaker单项仪,瑞士TESA测高仪、德国Mahr马尔粗糙度仪、数显深度尺、东精精密圆度仪、Marposs气动量仪、Trimos测高仪、海克斯康三坐标、影像仪、英国Zodiac gauge、英国Original Gauge螺纹规;苏州斯托茨机电设备有限公司同时是美国GSG量规的授权代理商,销售GSG螺纹规、GSG进口石油量规、GSG螺纹指示规、GSG进口光面规、GSG鲁尔量规、Sharp Vee环塞规、HBPV环塞规等;同时销售德国JBO量规、德国LMW螺纹规、英国GBIS超声波探头、美国Cameron密封槽球规、Mueller Gage航空量仪、Sun-tec便携式洛氏硬度计、Universal环球同心度仪、PMC Lone Star石油螺纹规、PMC Mercury量规、Hemco Gage紧固件螺纹规、Vermont Gage针规、VTG螺纹规、美国GSG非标螺纹规、Threadcheck航空螺纹规、 Westport医疗螺纹规、英国Threadmaster惠氏螺纹规、Tru-thread石油螺纹规、美国Gagemaker单项仪、意大利Marposs气动量仪、英国Zodiac gauge、英国Original Gauge螺纹规等。
